• Address: 93 Orange Street St. Augustine, FL
  • Opening hours 9AM - 5PM
Ms. Maypray

Ms. Maypray

“I am so happy. I couldn’t have asked for more!” “I was truly amazed by the work, the entire house!”

Joe Ann Maypray lived in her home in St. Augustine since 1985. After hurricane Matthew, her entire home was flooded with five feet of water and sewage from a local facility. Almost everything she had was destroyed by the flooding, and the damage was so severe that herself and her family had to evacuate the premises. After applying for assistance from the Housing Partnership, the LTRO was able to rebuild her home from the studs. The contributors to the LTRO organization were also able to help her get new furniture, appliances, and provide financial assistance for her water bills and deposits. 

We Are Better Together!

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